T400 2022

Follow Thread

By Neil U

  • 3 Replies
  1. Neil U

    Neil U
    Chantilly, VA

    Any news on the reveal or launch date for the 2022 T400 Irons? Some places and websites don't offer the 2020 T400s anymore.

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    They were a late release with the T100s. Like the 620’s, they may not get an update this cycle. The 1751 golf club near. Chantilly, VA should be able to answer questions. At the T series launch, there was not much said about the T400. Either about a new release or if the line would be dropped.

    I was at the launch and came in with the attitude they wouldn’t be able to pry my T400 irons from me. Now, don’t come near my 2021 T300s without fear of harm. Matching lofts, the 300s are as long and more workable for pitching and especially easier to hit from deeper rough. To note, the T400s were better than the 2019 T300s for me.

    For slower swing golfers, either iron needs to be fit for shaft for your swing. In my case at TPI the shaft from my T400 improved the T300 performance. In driver, the TSi-2 shaft improved the TSi-1 performance.
  3. Mitch B

    Mitch B
    Huntsville, Alabama

    Titleist still offered them on their website. I imagine someone isn’t carrying them, it’s because they don’t feel keeping them in stock is worth it.
  4. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    As any LH can tell you, …not just with the T400

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