Can a u505’s loft be adjusted?

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By OpensUpOverThere22

  • 3 Replies
  1. Hello, can a u505’s loft be bent strong or weak? I recently bought one and it goes a bit too far. I’m in love with the club but it’s about 20 yards longer than my next iron down going from t200 5 iron to u505 4 iron

  2. GMcClanahan

    Pinehurst, NC

    Guy in a golf shop once told me if it’s metal you can bend it. So I would assume so. The concern I would have is the impact of adding loft on turf interaction. I have a U505 4-iron and the sole is so wide. Would the back edge of the sole be too close to the turf?
  3. I have a 3 and 4 iron U505 and had them both bent to 2* upright with no issue. I’m assuming lift should be able to be done as well. Good luck. They will warn you it could break as they don’t want to take responsibility and they will not replace if it does break. But they’ll do it.
  4. Michael E

    Michael E
    New York

    It really depends if the body is cast, it only says face. It only says forged face inserts which leads me to believe it is a cast body. In which case I wouldn’t recommend it as it comprises the integrity of the head.
    I’m sure you can find someone to do it, that would just leave me waiting on what swing does it snap.

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