Grip Pressure

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By Chuck Z

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  1. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    When playing with my coach recently, he asked me if I knew how to check my grip pressure and of course, I said no. He said that when he was playing on the tour that Raymond Floyd showed him a little drill to see if his grip pressure was correct. Thought it was interesting and sorta made sense. Raymond was a pretty good striker of the golf ball. He had me hold my driver with my normal grip and to twirl the head of the clubs in circles, hold it downward. Most of the time it was in larger circles. He said now lighten up and see if you can do it in very small circles. He emphasized that once you can do this in very very small circles you have the correct grip pressure and that is the pressure you should be hitting your shots with and allows the club to do the work. He said most people have to much grip pressure and try to overpower the club. Just something to pass on from a guy who knew a guy. Found it very interesting and very helpful. I learn something from Tim each time we play together. Think he knows my game better than I do. I do know what my mistakes are when I make them and can correct them because of him. Go see a PGA professional today, if you are having issues.

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