Watch: Find Your Perfect Stance Width

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 6 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    Titleist Staff Member Jason Baile shares his keys for setting up and finding your perfect golf stance width for your iron shots.

    Explore even more tips and drills from some of the best instructors in the game by visiting our instruction section here.

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  2. Guy W

    Guy W
    Statesville, NC

    Talk about a timely post. It seems so basic but this has been crossing my mind when at the range recently. I have started to think that my stance may feel right but is it the RIGHT stance. Could it actually be the reason for some of my mishits. Will do some work on this in my living room when I get home from work.
  3. Jim S

    Jim S
    East Point, GA

    Great video. This is often overlooked.
  4. Jon C

    Jon C
    Lehigh Valley, PA

    Like it, another easy one I've heard is jump up, where you naturally land is your "normally comfortable" athletic position.
  5. Military
    Great tip. I hope this will help me be more consistent with my shots.
  6. DK

    Doylestown, PA

    It's all about consistency!
  7. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    Very good video. One thing I did notice that his feet are lined up with his shoulders once he found that "balance". Thanks, Mike.

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