Garett Reband, Titleist Golfer

Garett Reband

  • Pro V1 Left Dot Titleist Golf Ball
  • 768 World Ranking

Player Profile:

999th 288.2 Driving Distance
999th 1.00 Birdie Average
999th 33.33% Sand Save Percentage
999th 0.478 SG Off The Tee
999th 0.470 SG Approach To The Green
999th -2.282 SG Around The Green
999th 75.135 Scoring Average
999th 64.81%% GIR Percentage
Titleist Pro V1 Left Dot Titleist Pro V1 Left Dot

Titleist Pro V1 Left Dot

Titleist Pro V1 Left Dot

For golfers looking to shoot their best scores, the Titleist® Pro V1® golf ball provides total performance from tee to green with penetrating flight and very soft feel.