Quick Poll: Cart Bag Dividers

Follow Thread

By Abby L.

  • 142 Replies
  1. I like 14 since the club heads tend to clang around a little less.
  2. Tom D

    Tom D
    Acworth, GA

    I like less than 14 as it gives me more room to get the club in or out of the bag easily.
  3. Charles D

    Charles D
    Cary, NC

    I like a bag with two straps, one on each side. Much easier to transport
  4. Kevin F

    Kevin F
    Uniontown, PA

    I prefer 14... don’t waste time, club always in same place and u notice if one is missing guicker...!
  5. Abby L., Team Titleist Staff said:

    Hey Team Titleist - 

    If you've been with us on the forums for a bit, you'll know we prefer to go straight to the source when it comes to feedback: Team Titleist members! 

    Our golf gear team has come to us with a new question for you all, and this time it's about cart bags dividers. Answer our quick poll below and feel free to provide any additional feedback to the gear team in the comments below! 

    Thank you,

    Team Titleist Staff

    Having separate dividers helps save my grips. It also makes retrieving the clubs easier. I really look for a bag that has full length dividers; they’re much harder to find.
  6. I like less, it takes too long to pull and put back multiple clubs when around the green, just put putt, and wedge together and grab and go. Speeds up play
  7. Dieter W

    Dieter W
    Odelzhausen, 0

    Abby L., Team Titleist Staff said:

    Hey Team Titleist - 

    If you've been with us on the forums for a bit, you'll know we prefer to go straight to the source when it comes to feedback: Team Titleist members! 

    Our golf gear team has come to us with a new question for you all, and this time it's about cart bags dividers. Answer our quick poll below and feel free to provide any additional feedback to the gear team in the comments below! 

    Thank you,

    Team Titleist Staff

    14 dividers for my Clubs plus 1 for the LineUp Sticks, waterproof and a staff bag look would be the bag of my dreams.
  8. John K

    John K
    New Boston, NH

    14 was an idea of someone who needed a new gimmick, 6 is perfect, no grip wear or snagging.
  9. Kenneth C

    Kenneth C
    Marco island, FL

    As an organization nut and and exclusive cart bag user, I won’t use anything but a bag with 14 slots. I also prefer a putter slot in the front to be used while playing...makes for easy access. While I voted for 14, I guess my ultimate is therefore 15, if that includes the extra putter slot.

    Everything in my bag is Titleist. I’d really like to make that a clean sweep with a 14 or 15 slot Titleist bag!
  10. Austin V

    Austin V
    Atlanta, GA

    For my personal preference it’s 14. I do not like to hear the clubs rattling around walking or riding
  11. Frank W

    Frank W

    Four way divider for me. Individual divider’s are too constricting for me.
  12. wayne s

    wayne s
    Louisville, KY

    14 dividers are terrible when you have cord grips. Also, when the bag is elevated you are constantly pulling or pushing the clubs in at an angle, which makes it difficult to get clubs in, or out. Oversized putter grips don't fit properly either. Personally, I'd prefer 8 way dividers.
  13. When does the new cart bag become available? I like the fewer club dividers.
  14. Coble

    Denver, CO

    Abby L., Team Titleist Staff said:

    Hey Team Titleist - 

    If you've been with us on the forums for a bit, you'll know we prefer to go straight to the source when it comes to feedback: Team Titleist members! 

    Our golf gear team has come to us with a new question for you all, and this time it's about cart bags dividers. Answer our quick poll below and feel free to provide any additional feedback to the gear team in the comments below! 

    Thank you,

    Team Titleist Staff

    14 slots for 14 clubs...that easy.
  15. I have a 14 way cart bag and love it. Just wish my stand bag had at least 6 dividers. I still stand behind all of Titleist's products
  16. 15 is ideal for me, gotta have a spot for my ball retriever. lol.
    Idea; on the bags w/multiple slots use a divider at the bottom of the bag 8-10" up is all you need to save the tangling of the clubs, screwing grips up...
  17. I enjoy Titleists Lightweight Cart and Carry bags - and their 14 dividers .
    Thank you Titleist for making them available -
  18. I just picked up the Players 14 way stand bag and love it. Works great on my ClicGear push cart or on the riding cart. I am still working out the pockets, there is a LOT of pockets!!!!
  19. I like individual dividers provided they are all the way down the bag. Also would like a Titleist cart bag with a putter gully on the side not to interact with the other clubs. Bigger more accessible pockets would be very nice at well. Current ones are way to small for my hands to fit in and not in a good location in my opinion. Perhaps a cart bag with a staff bag feel??
  20. Abby L., Team Titleist Staff said:

    Hey Team Titleist - 

    If you've been with us on the forums for a bit, you'll know we prefer to go straight to the source when it comes to feedback: Team Titleist members! 

    Our golf gear team has come to us with a new question for you all, and this time it's about cart bags dividers. Answer our quick poll below and feel free to provide any additional feedback to the gear team in the comments below! 

    Thank you,

    Team Titleist Staff

    I like 7
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